Association of general practice/family medicine of South-East Europe AGP/FM SEE



From: 10 November 2011 To: 13 November 2011




Plovdiv, BULGARIA – November 10-13, 2011


It is our great honor and privilege to invite you to the II-nd Conference of the Association of General Practice/Family Medicine of South-East Europe, which will be held in Plovdiv, the fascinating city of Bulgaria, between the 10-13 November 2011.

This Conference is being organized by the Association of Family Medicine/General Practice of South-East  Europe (AGP/FMSEE) and National Association of General Practitioners in Bulgaria (NAGPB).
The AGP/FMSEE is organized on the grounds of peace, friendship and cooperation in terms of exchanging good practice, improving quality and defending interests of the society in all member countries. During the past years the AGP/FMSEE developed and became a really respected organization both in the field of its domain in Europe and throughout the world. Let the Conference be both a professional and a cultural event! Let us together give a proof that we-general practitioners and family doctors- and our art of medicine do not have borders and different languages. And that is, because we live in the world of health and our goal is helping people.

It has been decided for the Conference to be held every second year in different member countries of the AGP/FMSEE and in different cities, respectively. The Association Council has chosen Plovdiv as the Second Conference host, and the organization board will do its best to make it a successful and unforgettable event.

This meeting is an opportunity to meet colleagues from South-East Europe countries, to enhance communication and share experience in practicing medicine, developing and conducting continuing medical education (CME) and promoting research in the field of Primary Health Care.

The II-nd Conference of AGP/FMSEE will also help us to build awareness about common and overwhelming problems in the region and to update current knowledge on the recent advances in the medical field.

We hope that our colleagues will enjoy the magical atmosphere of the ancient city of Plovdivl and experience some of unforgettable moments. Do not miss them! We are looking forward to see you in Plovdiv, November, 2011.

With respect!

 Dr. Lyubomir Kirov                                                                       Prim. Dr. Ljubin Sukriev
NAGPB President                                                                          AGP/FMSEE President